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제목 [No. 228 Article of Culture] Kakaotalk Data Center Fire Caused ‘Froze up’
카테고리 ArticleOfCulture

Kakaotalk Data Center Fire Caused ‘Froze up’


The Cheongdae Times Cub reporter Jin-won Seo.


October fifteenth, a Kakao Talk service failure appeared around 3:30 p.m. There were errors in Kakao-related services such as KakaoTalk contact network, KakaoTalk channel service, Kakao T & MAP, Kakao Pay and Gifticon payment.


연합뉴스 (https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=48765)


The cause of the service failure is the fire at the Pangyo data center of SK Corporation C&C. The cause of the fire is the battery. The battery was prepared for a blackout, but it wasn’t prepared for a situation where a blackout occurred due to fire.

jtbc뉴스 (https://news.jtbc.co.kr/article/article.aspx?news_id=NB12085540)


Kakao is accepting cases of damage due to this situation. The Kakao Talk gift extended the expiration date of expired products and benefits. The expired coupon was also reissued,. Kakao Talk Emoticon Plus extended its subscription period by three days. It also decided to extend the period for Kakao Page, webtoons, and VOD by 96 hours.


We could discover various problems through the Kakao Talk incident. In order to solve these problems, we need guidelines on social roles, responsibilities, and authority to be demanded by private companies, such as Kakao Talk, when they monopolize a field.


Also related policies should be improved to prevent the monopoly of private companies. This situation can happen not only on SNS such as Kakao Talk, but also in other fields, so we should pay special attention to that.



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